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In 2007 in order to push my boundaries as an artist, I did a "life as art" project called Year in Rainbow, where I'd wear one color every day for a month and rainbow on the alternate months, expoloring the 6 color rainbow. I documented my experiences living in color on a blog and did live shows for the color months. 

In 2018 I made a workshop production called Untitled Rainbow Project at Wild Project that used the colors of the Chakras as a storytelling technique with an ensemble of collaborators (video below.)

Fall of 2019 I created One Woman Rainbow at Joe's Pub, again using the chakras as story telling techinque (video below.)  

Summer of 2020 I was missing live performance and needed an artistic practice to keep up my spirits, so I brought back Year in Rainbow. I did the same daily colors and the same blog, but instead of live performances I made experimental videos.  You can also see all 13 videos below.

Year in Rainbow NEW WORK #7: 3 OF GREEN 3 0F LOVE
Darlinda Just Darlinda

Year in Rainbow NEW WORK #7: 3 OF GREEN 3 0F LOVE

Ashton Muñiz, Vic Sin and I drove up to the woods near Great Barrington, MA ,to The House of Mary, where Taylor Mac has made a place for artists to create. There was hardly any wifi and TONS of space and time to CREATE! When I initially was invited by Taylor, I thought I was going to re-create the green part of One Woman Rainbow with Vic. Honestly the thought of re-living that trauma was NOT something I wanted to do/share this year, it's been traumatic enough. SO I thought, "let's make something about the joy of love/green the heart chakra!" I actually had this conversation with Vic ON Valentines Day! So I asked Ashton to join us and we were on our way! After a conversation at a local watering hole (Birdy's) about what inspired them to create when they thought about green and the logistics of our trip. Our brains started to churn. I packed ALL OF MY GREEN CLOTHING, LIGHS, JEWELRY AND MAKE UP picked up Ashton and Vic and we made our way to Massachusetts! ! That night we got settled and then we brainstormed some ideas! Vic suggested themes of loneliness and being alone then finding your community. Ashton thought of cooking and a green alien and with these ideas and THE INSPIRING LOCATION I was reminded of The Three of Cups tarot card! This card is about brotherly love, community, drinking enjoying the people who surround you! It's come up a LOT this year and it's gotten me THROUGH. Well my COMMUNITY has gotten me through! So anyway, I'll stop yammering on and let you ENJOY 3 OF GREEN 3 OF LOVE! If you like what you saw please venmo @darlindajust / or PayPal to pay for MORE VIDEOS like this! You can also join me on PATREON to get updates and FIRST VIEW access to these videos!


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One Woman Rainbow 2019

One Woman Rainbow 2019

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